At Extruflex, we are convinced that the company can and must make its contribution to improving people's living conditions and taking part in the ecological transformation of the planet.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy reflects our values and our commitment to our employees, customers, partners and the environment. We believe that our actions, on our own scale, have an impact on the transition to sustainable development.
With this in mind, we have made the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the UN our own. Our strategy includes objectives relating to human rights, labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.
Our social commitment

Occupational health and safety: employee safety is an absolute priority, and we strive to create safe and ergonomic working conditions, while enabling each employee to follow an appropriate training program to enhance his or her skills.
Gender equality: we are committed to fighting all forms of discrimination and violence against women.

Respect for human rights: we are committed to respecting fundamental human rights, combating all forms of discrimination and promoting an inclusive working environment where every individual is treated with dignity and respect.
Governance and sustainable economic growth

Transparency and ethics: we are transparent in our business practices and act with integrity and ethics; our aim is to earn the trust of our stakeholders by demonstrating honesty and reliability in our interactions.
Responsible innovation: at Extruflex, innovation goes hand in hand with responsibility; we constantly strive to develop sustainable, energy-efficient solutions to meet our customers' needs while protecting the environment.

Dialogue avec les parties prenantes : nous accordons une grande importance à l'écoute et à la collaboration avec nos parties prenantes, collaborateurs, clients, fournisseurs, partenaires. Le dialogue ouvert et constructif permet de mieux comprendre leurs besoins et attentes, et de les associer à nos objectifs en matière de RSE.
Notre responsabilité environnementale

Ethique industrielle : la formulation de nos produits et les ingrédients que nous utilisons respectent les normes et réglementations les plus rigoureuses (REACH, ROHS, etc…) ; notre laboratoire de R&D et l'intégration de la fabrication du compound de vinyl souple nous permettent de garantir la constance de nos formulations.
Lutte contre le réchauffement climatique : les portes et cloisons en vinyl souples sont des produits à fort pouvoir d'isolation thermique ; le plan d'action de réduction des consommations énergétiques dans nos usines combiné aux programmes de recyclage de nos produits à toutes les étapes de leur vie contribuent à limiter de façon significative nos émissions de carbone.

Protection de la faune et de la flore aquatique : nous appliquons dans nos usines les meilleures pratiques industrielles, qui comprennent notamment le recyclage de tous les matériaux utilisés (emballages, pallettes, etc…), la filtration des fumées, et l'utilisation des eaux de refroidissement en circuit fermé.